Audio Clips
The appointment of the Presidential State-Owned Enterprise Council should be welcomed
2 July 2020
Radio 702’s Gushwell Brooks spoke to Dr Simo Lushaba, a Chartered Director and facilitator at the Institute of Directors in South Africa (IoDSA) regarding the recent appointment of the Presidential State-Owned Enterprise Council.
Employees’ Wellness On The Spotlight and What Do you Do When Integrity Costs You Your Job?
25 June 2018
On Policies and compliance, Gusti Coetzer, (director at Signium Africa) explains to us What to do when Integrity may get you fired; with Rising levels of perceived corruption which have sharpened the ethical challenge for those in responsible positions. When the spoils might run into billions, it seems you can be fired for doing the right thing and rewarded for doing what you know to be wrong. How do you stay on the side of the angels, stay in your job … and stay out of jail?
Womandla! – Climbing the Corporate Ladder
15 February 2017
Work is hard to find… and when you have it it is even harder to climb to the top, especially for women. Phumi speaks to executive search specialists, Mosima Selekisho and Ignacio Bao, from Signup and Talent Africa and Non-Executive Board Director at Meropa about how to make the jump from middle management into the C-suite of executives.
A discussion on the labour market and getting the perfect candidates
22 June 2016 by Annelize van Rensburg
The focus is shifted to the labour market with special focus on what employees to ensure they get the right candidate for the right post.
Listen to the podcast here.
RSG Geldsake Dindag
22 June 2016 by annelize van Rensburg
SA-verbruikersprysinflasie daal vir die derde agtereenvolgende maand, Saketoestande in die binnelandse siviele konstruksiebedryf verbeter en hoe om die regte kandidaat vir ‘n pos te kry.
In ateljee: Andries van Zyl – Moneyweb
Sakenuus & markverslag: Antoinette Slabbert – Moneyweb & Hennie Fourie – PSG Konsult
Markoorsig: Charl Bester – PSG Faerie Glen, Pretoria
SA-verbruikersprysinflasie daal vir die derde agtereenvolgende maand: Ettienne le Roux – hoofekonoom, Rand Aksepbank
Mededingingsverhore begin oor Anheuser-Busch Inbev se oorname van SAB Miller-brouery: Antoinette Slabbert – Moneyweb
Saketoestande in die binnelandse siviele konstruksiebedryf verbeter: John Loos – huishoudelike en eiendomsontleder, FNB
Ekonomie uitdagings vir groot produsente wat die voedseletting voer: Wessel Lemmer – senior landbou ekonoom,Absa
Workplace Bullying - SA FM Talk Show
13 August 2015
Auguste (Gusti) Coetzer joins the SA FM Talk Show to address Bullying in the Workplace.
Mosima's Interview on Labour Law - Voice of the Cape
23 February 2015
The Business by Annelize van Rensburg
10 November 2014
Building A Legacy, SAFM
05 April 2012
Find out 8 key ways on how to not only build a legacy but to leave behind a lasting legacy as a business leader.
Tackling Different Roles - Kaya FM
02 April 2012
Listen to Mosima Selekisho discuss the different roles you play in your life and how to find the balance between these roles.